Internal links are the connective tissue of your website, linking one page to another within the same domain. The anchor text—the clickable words, phrases, or images—serves as a guidepost, leading visitors to related content. A strategic combination of anchor text and valuable webpages can significantly amplify your SEO efforts.

Google’s primary mission is to connect users with the most relevant information. It achieves this by crawling and indexing web pages. However, due to the sheer volume of content published every minute, indexing can be slow.

Here’s where internal links and well-chosen anchor text come into play, offering a roadmap for Google to navigate and understand your site, ultimately boosting your rankings on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Key Points for SEO Results:

  • Publish high-quality content.
  • Use keywords judiciously.
  • Write for your audience, not just for search engines.
  • Maintain consistency in posting top-notch content.

Without these, internal links won’t move the needle for your site alone. Keep this in mind before doing anything around internal links.

A robust internal link structure not only captivates visitors but also enhances conversions. Diversify your links to cater to different interests:

Types of links you can include:

  • Informative Links: Educate your audience with links to related content, surveys, or studies.
  • Product and Service Links: Offer solutions to your audience’s problems, not just sales pitches.
  • Topic Clusters: Guide visitors to comprehensive pillar pages for in-depth exploration.

Internal Linking Also Helps You Retain Visitors and Increase Conversions

Securing a spot on the first page of SERPs is just the beginning. The ultimate goal is to build traffic and drive conversions, achievable through strategic internal linking. By embedding internal links with compelling anchor texts, you can captivate visitors, encouraging them to delve deeper into your site, thereby establishing your authority and fostering trust.

What are the Types of Anchor Text You Can Use?

Anchor texts are pivotal in setting expectations for readers and informing Google’s algorithm about the linked content. Ensure relevance to avoid being flagged as spam.

Generic Anchor Text – While generic anchor texts don’t include anything that references a keyword, they are powerful because they usually have a straightforward CTA to compel visitors to click the link. 

Some examples:

  • Read more
  • Download this
  • Click here
  • More info

Branded Anchor Text – Branded anchors are used to build brand recognition. They include your brand name, Semrush, The New York Times, or Washington Post. 

Exact Match Anchor Text – Exact matches include the precise keyword you’re targeting or ranking for.

For example:

  • Business books
  • Content marketing
  • Link building

Partial Match Anchor Text – These anchor words include the keyword phrase, random observations, or generic words. 

For example: 

  • Download a free ebook on content marketing here targeting “content marketing.”
  • Buy used books targeting “used books.”

Random Anchor Text – Random words don’t give the user any content on the page he’s going to.

For example: Click for more info. 

Related Anchor Text – This uses a variation of the target keywords but doesn’t include the exact keyword phrase. 

For example, Social media marketing targets the “Instagram content strategy.”

Image Anchor Text – Use images as anchor text if you want to diversify your anchor text profile. Make sure to add Alt Text to the image description for SEO purposes. 

Brand Name Plus Keyword Anchor Text – You’re hitting two birds with one stone with this type of anchor text. You build brand recognition and optimize a keyword too. 

For example:

  • Semrush for content marketing
  • iPhones at Apple

Naked Anchor Text – A naked anchor text is just a URL pasted to the article. Don’t use this if you’re concerned about how the copy looks. 

Want to Learn More About Internal Linking and SEO?

In the competitive race to the top of SERPs, internal linking is your secret weapon. As an SEO expert, I’ve guided both startups and established businesses to improve their rankings. Book a Call to discuss how we can elevate your SEO strategy together.